Obama offers hope for responsible business

From: Ethical Corporation
By: Andy Savitz
7 Nov 08

US president-elect Barack Obama will want business to help him heal the nation by working with the state to tackle social and environmental issues
Hope is running rampant in America again, an immediate post-election uplift felt in many quarters like the night we landed on the moon.

Although we had known in advance that the lunar module would land and that Neil Armstrong would get out and speak to us from the moon, we were flabbergasted when it actually occurred. We were simply not prepared for the stunning reality of it. How could we be?

On election might, the only person who seemed prepared was the president-elect himself, Barack Obama. He took the podium to remind us that, appearances to the contrary, the election was not the change he had been talking about. It was merely an opportunity to change, and that hard work of making change would now begin.

Harkening back to our last great awakening in the 1960s, Obama invoked the spirit of John F. Kennedy – the first Catholic to be elected president – to suggest that much would be expected of us – citizens, communities and corporations.